Student Satisfaction Survey

This survey is conducted by the college and the purpose is to review how the college
have performed as a college. We are committed to constantly making our services better and your responses and views
will be taken very seriously to improve the quality of services offered by the college.

It is important that you are aware that all responses are anonymous. College staff will not be able to see the
responses provided by you.

Students’ Learning Experience


Rate the quality of the training / teaching you have received thus far.
Rate the usefulness of your course in helping you achieve your career goals.
At the college I am learning new skills that will help me in real life (e.g., practical skills, interview skills, presentation skills, study skills).
Rate the guidance and support to prepare for examinations, assessments, and practical assignments.
Do your lecturers/ facilitators explain concepts/learning clearly to help you to understand?
Do your lecturers/ facilitators use different ways to help you learn?
Rate the resources (textbooks, laptops, consumables etc.) provided by the college to help you learn.
I have good academic support to help me learn and progress e.g., tutors or mentors.
Rate classroom discipline as maintained by your lecturers/ facilitators.
Do your lecturers/ facilitators encourage you to work to the best of your ability.
Rate how well your lecturers/ facilitators accommodate you and your learning preferences and challenges.

College and Campus Culture


12. am clear about the support and different services offered by Student Support Services. Should you be a person with disabilities, are you aware that students with disabilities can receive additional support (e.g., extra time, scribe, reader, separate exam venue)?
13. Rate the quality of support, guidance, and advice you have received with respect to Student Support Services.
14. Is the communication between yourself and the college and Student Support Services effective?
15. Rate the Student Induction/ Orientation Programme in terms of being effective.
16. Rate the information gained about the college through this programme.
17. I have been made aware of the College and Campus SRC and their functions.
18. I have been made aware of the college sports and cultural activities.
19. At the college I know to whom I could talk about health and wellness and safety matters (e.g., child protection, bullying, self-harm, GBV, mental health).
20. I have been made aware of the exit level (placement) support at campus.
21. Rate the work readiness sessions that you have attended.

Infrastructure and Physical Environment


22. Rate the condition of the computer rooms where you attend.
23. Rate the condition of the classrooms where you attend.


24. Rate the condition of the workshops or other practical facilities where you attend.
25. Is wi-fi provided on campus?
26. Rate the connectivity on campus.
27. There is a well-equipped resource centre where you attend.
28. I have access to open learning resources (e.g., YouTube videos, Moodle lessons) where I attend.
29. Rate the accessibility of the campus environment for students with disabilities. Respond even if you are not disabled.

College and Campus Culture


30. The college ensures that all students are treated equally and with respect.
31. The college is committed to promote an inclusive learning environment.
32. Rate the manner in which the college promotes inclusivity – e.g., support for students with disability.
33. Rate the friendliness and helpfulness of our college staff.
34. Rate your overall impression of the college.
35. In general, I am satisfied with my course and my experiences at the college.
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